What is It?

Based on Reams Biological Theory of Ionization (RBTI). This Theory was discovered, developed and proven through the unique work of agronomist, biochemist and mathematician, Dr. Carey A. Reams, beginning in the 1930’s. It is a non-invasive seven part test completed on fresh urine samples and saliva. These tests include: total carbohydrate, pH, conductivity, cell debris, nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen. Only the pH is tested on the saliva.

How long will the test take?

It will usually take 15 minutes to run these tests. It is not running the tests that take time. It is the interpretation and establishing individualized recommendations.

Why is the analysis so valuable?

It is a true real time mathematical analysis of what is taking place in the electro-biochemical structure of the human body. It is not for diagnosing or treating medical illness - Please consult with a licensed medical doctor.

How often should one be tested?
This depends on the analysis of the test results. If the analysis reveals severe dysfunctional patterns you may have to return for more frequent evaluations. If the analysis reveals a need for a general tune-up, only indicating minor changes, then one might not need to be re-evaluated for several weeks.  

 What type of program will be recommended?

 All programs are unique and individualized because no two people will have the same results. Programs may contain recommendations on parts of a person’s life style. A life style involved every aspect of one’s living habits, and can best be described to include: what you eat, breath, drink, think and do. Wellness involves more than food and drink, true wellness involved wholeness and one’s state of mind.

Are there any special instructions?

Do not change your life style routine before testing. Do not fast before testing. If you have a morning appointment do not try to wait to urinate. The first morning void is not the ideal test sample.